Health and Climate Network

Advocating across sectors FOR urgent responses to the climate crisis which deliver health for alL





The HCN community co-creates policy recommendations to influence global decision making on climate change and health. We hold events, workshops and seminars to build our community and advocate together for healthy climate action.

HCN’s objectives
The HCN aims to:

  • Have the delivery of the Paris Climate Change Agreement viewed as the world’s most urgent action for global health.
  • Raise the urgency of global climate action by showing that many climate solutions can save lives and promote health benefits for all.
  • Encourage joint actions by decision makers and stakeholders working on global climate change, energy transition, transport and mobility, food systems and health care towards a common goal of a healthy, climate safe future.
  • Have decision makers at COP27 to recognise health as a core negotiating theme and ensuring mitigation and adaptation outcomes maximise the co-benefits for health.


‘Without urgent, effective and equitable mitigation actions, climate change increasingly threatens the health and livelihoods of people around the globe’

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 WGIII, April 2022

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